

Twenty years ago, ENT started as a small CSE project of five students: Nitya, Katyayani, Asmi, Aarushi & Archisha, i.e., "us", because our seniors forced us to do so. And today, twenty years later, our website is still the same, duh :) cuz none of us bothered to work on it later on in life. Our team has gone through a lotta stuggles as CSE students :( soooo much that each one of us has left engineering altogether :D Now we are all engaged in different fields.

Following is a brief info about THE TEAM of ENT :-

NITYA is a professional weird-job-employee. She has work experience in the most weird and unheard jobs in the world, from being a professional teddy-bear-repair technician to working as a professional paint-dry watcher. Nitya said, "These jobs pay me more than what is earned by an engineer and are more interesting."

KATYAYANI is wife-cum-assistant of a multi-millonaire in Pakistan who is responsible for many terrorist attacks in India. Sorry we can't disclose his name otherwise our homes will be bombed. Besides bombing houses, Katyayani loves to bake cakes (such a cutie). She has a keen interest in yoga and spirituality as well.

ASMI is a billionaire settled in South Sudan. She sets a perfect example of income inequality in that country. Her motto for a successful life is: "Apna paisa milta, bhaad mein jaye janta" which when translated to English is: "The gap between rich and poor is the root cause of crimes and must be ended ASAP". This shows how considerate she is for the society.

AARUSHI is a professional love guru in Ohio. People from all over the world are her followers. She gives the best advice on relationships due to her years of experience. 99% of her followers are from Alabama and to replicate the love she received from her followers she wrote the infamous song "Sweet Home Alabama" for them.

ARCHISHA is a certified white powder dealer in Bihar,India (god knows from where she got her certificate). Locals call her "gutka devi" and she is worshipped all over Bihar, being the sole provider of cheap liquor after the alcohol ban.